When you purchase participating life insurance, the premiums you pay go into an account called the participating account, together with all funds from other London Life participating policies. To determine guaranteed premiums, guaranteed cash values and guaranteed death benefits, London Life uses long-term assumptions for factors such as investment returns, mortality, expenses, lapses and [...]
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London Life participating life insurance gives you a foundation of guaranteed values and tax-advantaged growth. It also gives you the opportunity to receive dividends, based on your participation in a pool with 1.6 million other participating policies. It offers both stability and flexibility in a permanent life insurance solution. While some companies have backed out [...]
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Protecting your home and family You’ve found the right home and the right mortgage, now find the right mortgage life insurance protection Most lending institutions offer mortgage life insurance as part of their mortgage packaging. But look carefully before you sign on the dotted line. You could find yourself locked into insurance that does [...]
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Meet Brendon Laing, B.A., B.Ed., Hon. B.A. Freedom 55 Financial Security Advisor Quadrus Investment Services Investment Representative Suite 200-140 Ouellette Place Windsor, Ontario N8X 1L9 Office: 519-967-1180 ext. 266 Fax: 519-967-1234 Cell: 519-819-9403 Email Brendon Laing Brendon Laing Can Help You Plan Financially for the Future Brendon from Freedom 55 Financial and Quadrus Investment Services [...]
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